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XIV. Emergency Guidelines For People With Disabilities
Some individuals may need special assistance in the event of a fire or emergency requiring evacuation. An emergency plan and able-bodied volunteers will assist in meeting the needs of disabled individuals in the event of an emergency. Able-bodied volunteers should be prepared to assist the disabled during an emergency warning and evacuation.

Wheelchair Users – Wheelchair users must be removed from smoke and fumes as quickly as possible. If available, University Police will assist. Otherwise, volunteers will be necessary. Wheelchair users should be prepared to instruct volunteers on how they prefer to be transported, mobilized, or carried.
Visually Impaired – The visually impaired will need a guide to assist them in an evacuation. Keep in mind that the person with the disability usually knows the best way to be assisted. A volunteer should announce his/her presence, speak directly to the individual and describe, in advance, what actions for evacuation will be taken. The Volunteer should lead the visually impaired to a designated safety area and inform them of the surrounding environment.
Hearing Impaired – The hearing impaired may not be aware that an emergency exists, so they need to be alerted. Means of getting their attention are notes, switching lights on and off, gestures or automated signaling. Always establish eye contact with the hearing impaired and be sure that you are understood.

Keep in mind that someone with a disability knows the best way to be assisted. An area of refuge should be established and designated to temporarily wait for help or until further instructions are given. Each part of the emergency plan on disabilities should be practiced and a list of people with disabilities provided to the appropriate Unit/Facility Emergency Coordinator.