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V. University Emergency Response Organization (ERO)

A. Emergency Management Group (EMG)
The EMG is headed by the President , Provost or designee and facilitated by the Director of Emergency Management. The EMG is comprised of senior University officials, selected by the President and Provost that support the implementation of defined Emergency Management Program objectives and continual refinement of emergency preparedness in general. During a critical event or large scale emergency, the EMG serves as a comprehensive consultant team for the President and Provost by interfacing with University personnel, the community, first responder organizations, the media and regulatory agencies.

EMG members are senior officials who have the authority to:

Determine the short- and long- term effects of an emergency
Order the evacuation or shutdown of facilities and the campus, if needed.
Interface with outside organizations, family members and the media
Issue comprehensive press releases
Initiate and execute the recovery process

Current members and duty descriptions of the University EMG are:

1. President and/or Provost - The President and/or Provost of the University or designee serve as the decision making authority for the University. The President and/or Provost are responsible for the overall direction of the Emergency Action Plan and for the declaration of a “Campus State of Emergency”.
2. Vice-President of Finance and Administration - The VP of Finance and Administration provides overall coordination of administration and financial services and advises the President/Provost with status reports regarding multiple support agencies throughout the University. The following agencies and departments are considered support service agencies:

Auxiliary / Support Services

3. Vice President of Student Affairs - VP of Student Affairs or designee keeps the student body apprised of the current situation and coordinates with students and student groups to solicit cooperation and volunteer workers when necessary. Provides the Director of Housing and necessary departmental leadership with information concerning student needs and other concerns.

4. Associate Provost and Chief Information Officer - Responsible for the establishment of the campus data/technological continuity plan in relation to security and connectivity. Institutes arrangements to allow the institution to continue critical services after a disaster. Coordinates with the VP of Finance and Administration on matters concerning authorization for emergency funding and expenditures.

5. Director of University Relations - Responsible for coordinating the University's public announcements before, during and after an emergency.

Serves as the official College Spokesperson and the central source as directed by the President
Disseminates approved information in public forums
Provides appropriate information on the emergency situation to faculty, students, staff and parents in addition to emergency mass communication resources
Initiates contact with the media to provide information or public
Provides updates to the media as new information is available
Monitors all news coverage of the emergency and keeps the President and Provost, the University Attorney and other appropriate administrators informed
Works with appropriate personnel to establish a news center for media crews, and arranges for, if necessary, 24-hour staffing of the center
Is responsible for ensuring assigned personnel record accurate video and still photo recording of the aftermath of a disaster as soon as it is safe to commence

6. Associate Vice President, Facilities Management - acts as the Technical Coordinator during emergencies or may designate additional personnel to act in this capacity. Provides technical advice relating to facility operations during an emergency. Establishes Facility Damage Assessment Teams and utilities a coordination unit; serves as the principal liaison officer with the companies and organizations supplying utilities and other construction needs; and initiates emergency operational procedures necessary for the continued functioning of University/ college facilities. He/she will advise the Director of Emergency Management and Risk and Insurance Manager with status reports relative to damage including destruction, disruption, and restoration of facilities; and assist in establishing the following:

Determine how facility functions may be affected by the emergency event
Assist in the determination of what control and other procedures can be used to isolate the incident
Coordinate equipment and personnel to perform shutdown procedures, hazardous area control, barricades, damage assessment, debris clearance, emergency repairs and equipment protection
Coordinate equipment for emergency generation of power to supply critical areas including the emergency operations center
Coordinate for vehicles, equipment and operators for movement of personnel and supplies, assigns vehicles as required to members of the Emergency Response Organization for emergency use
Surveys habitable space and relocated essential services and function
Coordinates for emergency generator fuel during actual emergency or disaster periods
Facilitates storage of vital material and records at an alternate site. Coordinates with the Emergency Management Group and Unit/Facility Emergency Coordinators for liaison and necessary support
Oversees repair, construction and utility specific operations in order to recover from an emergency where facility infrastructure damages were ensued
Provide Engineering and Technical Assistance as necessary

7. Director of Emergency Management - Responsible for overall coordination of the emergency response and recovery efforts and administration of the University Emergency Operations Center. Through this capacity, the Director facilitates the Emergency Management Group with updated situational status reports and recommends best practices to the President and/or Provost.

Develops and implements policies and procedures necessary to respond to and recover from the existing emergency condition. In this regard, the Director may conduct meetings and require input from multiple organizational units of specified Colleges and Departments
Develops communication strategies to ensure response and recovery efforts are synchronized and efficient. Informs personnel that are, were or could be impacted by the emergency event are informed of any threats to injury or life safety in an efficient and timely manner
Assesses the type and magnitude of the emergency and establishes appropriate emergency response strategies
Initiates immediate contact with the President and senior University administrators and begins assessment of the University's condition
Coordinates with safety and security personnel as necessary to maintain safety and order
Notifies members of the Emergency Management Group and advises them of the nature of the emergency
Through the Emergency Management Group, notifies and acts as liaison with the appropriate outside agency or organization
Conducts appropriate notifications to off campus staff when necessary
Conducts a critique of the emergency and the procedures used when the situation has stabilized or terminated
Liaison with University Police, local, state and federal agencies
Identifies best practices and recommends inclusions, modifications and/or revisions with emergency management policy, plans and procedures
Attends local emergency management meetings

8. University Attorney - Serves as the principle officer for all legal and liability concerns regarding emergency management and operations associated with this plan; responsible for providing professional consultation to the President, Provost or designee and other members of the University's Emergency Response Organization as needed. Consolidates all response and recovery documentation and preserves records in accordance with University policy.

9. Chief of Police - Serves as the principle officer for all safety
and security operations throughout the University and contiguous environment. Oversees the most efficient mitigation measure for man-made emergencies by ensuring Police patrols are conducted on a 24/7 basis. Before, during and after an emergency, this position oversees all Police actions to preserve life and safety. This includes, but is not limited to, the following:

Maintains the Police Communications Center in a state of constant readiness (24/7/365)
Notifies the Director of Emergency Management of Level 2 or 3 emergencies and ensures a chronological log of the emergency is documented from start to completion
Monitors campus emergency radio and telephone communications
Takes immediate and appropriate action to protect life and property, and to safeguard records as required
Obtains assistance from the City, County, State, and Federal
government as dictated by the needs of the emergency event
Provides traffic control, access control, perimeter and internal security patrols
Provides and equips alternate sites or vehicles for any field command posts
Maintains liaison with telecommunications support as necessary
Coordinates emergency medical services when necessary
Evaluates potential environmental impacts of the incident
Interacts with appropriate government agencies
Assumes or delegates Field Incident Command until responsibilities can be properly transferred to higher authorities, i.e. Public Safety, Fire E.M.S. and other state or federal agencies
Attends local emergency management meetings

10. Associate Vice President,Office of Research Integrity - Serves as the principle officer for all bio-safety, environmental, hazardous material, and radiation safety matters within the Emergency Management Group; responsible for providing professional and technical advice in relation to lab safety, environmental concerns such as air and water quality, responding to hazardous material incidents and recovery efforts associated with waste disposal, clean up and return to normal operations. Advises the emergency first responders with associated Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and specific information related to response, assessment, containment, isolation and recovery.

B. Emergency Response Teams (ERT)
The Emergency Response Teams are comprised of Facility/Unit Emergency Coordinators (appointed by the appropriate Dean or Vice President) that provide support for emergency preparedness and emergency response guidance for their specific department and facilities. The ERTs are charged with maintaining their Unit/Facility Emergency Action Plans and providing emergency response guidance for their respective groups through established communication measures.
Note - the intent of these teams is to consolidate specific points of contact (Emergency Coordinators) for each facility throughout the University. The Office of Emergency Management will provide sample Unit Emergency Action Plans, training and guidance for emergency preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery specific to facility (building) ERTs.

C. Incident Commanders (IC)
The Incident Commander (IC) is responsible for: front-line management of the emergency incident, tactical execution, determining whether outside assistance is needed and for relaying requests for internal resources or outside assistance through the Emergency Operations Center (EOC).

The IC can be any employee, but usually is a member of management with assigned responsibility to respond to specific emergency situations and possesses the subject matter expertise, training and authority to make tactical response decisions during a specific emergency.

The IC must have the capability and authority to:

Assume command for the tactical response during an emergency
Assess the situation and report status
Implement a specific emergency response strategy
Determine tactical response strategies
Activate resources as required
Oversee all tactical response activities
Declare that the incident is "safe and over"

D. Other Critical Response Personnel
1. Administrators - According to the University Emergency Management Policy, College Deans and Departmental Vice Presidents must appoint a specific person as a Unit/Facility Emergency Coordinator for specific areas under their control. One is required, but multiple personnel are encouraged for redundancy. This may include certain laboratories, colleges, library, etc. as identified by the need of the college or department. Under major emergency conditions, these Emergency Coordinators may report to specific members of the Emergency Management Group, which is collectively responsible for the implementation and coordination of the University Emergency Action Plan and Emergency Operations Center.

2. Emergency Coordinators - appointed members of a building Emergency Response Team, Emergency Coordinators represent the college and/or department administrators and have the following responsibilities:

Maintain the Unit/Facility Emergency Action Plan by working with the Office of Emergency Management
Provide or coordinate awareness programs to their staff concerning the University and Facility/Unit Emergency Action Plan
Inform their staff of an emergency and follow emergency
instructions in the Unit/Facility Emergency Action Plan
Check their assigned building/facility to determine if there are any safety hazards for their personnel
Inform all associated students, staff and faculty to conform to building evacuation procedures during any emergency and to report to a designated assembly area outside the building
Provide situational updates and logistical requests to the Emergency Operations Center as needed

As identified during the creation and maintenance of the University and Unit Emergency Actions Plans, additional personnel may be added to the defined groups mentioned above.